Dagger +1 ("The Chef")
Zapped Kobold who held it
5 int
Wielder gains infravision 120'
Bane: Kobolds: +2 damage bonus
Made for a halfling ("The Pig") to hunt down local kobold tribe
Wooden Stave (originally: wand of detecting metals)
Name written in dragon on the side ("Strissit", meaning Seeker)
Usuable 3/day
If broken on a person, will turn them into solid steel (DC 25 Fort to resist, 3d10 damge on resist)
Previous owner was the monk "Onath", who resided in a mountain-top monastery. He left his seal w/ invisible ink. Onath is happy to explain the details of the stave, in exchange for a small favour (1-page dungeon?)
Prior to that, dragon owner was a red dragon: "Flame Fire Inferno"
Gets excited by Vaedium deposits and vibrates
Detects concentrations of metals within 20' (2000+ coins, or 50lbs of metals)
Flaming Dagger +1 (found by Cromley) "The Sparrow"
Flamebrand: 3/day: bursts into flames when wielded, 6 rounds, +1d6 damage
Detect spiders within 600' - glows up to 10', ignites otherwise (doesn't count toward daily use)
Made for an elven ranger ("Leafwalker"), for hunting spiders. Leafwalker vanished during one hunt in a northern forest over 80 years ago.
Fulkth's Green Silk Robe, cloak of protection +2 (Lester)
Maxwell's Sword (recreated by god of war)
Will disintegrate if he pledges allegiance to another god
Lazech's Splitter
+1 Long sword (Roll: 64)
Alignment: Neutral
Intelligence: 4
Communication: Simple urges
Bane: Earth Elementals (Ability score drain; sword inflicts normal damage plus 1d4 points of ability score drain per hit against bane; determine ability score with 1d5: (1) Strength, (2) Stamina, (3) Agility, (4) Personality, (5) Intelligence)
Power: Detect magic 1/day
Staff of Rozvankee
+1 Magic weapon, 1d4+1+CL damage, +1 saves, +1 AC
Light 20', triggered by saying "glow" while holding it
Spell 1 - +1 when casting Ekim's Mystical Mask
Spell 2- +1 when casting Scare
Belonged to the Strategist Rozvankee. Contains the soul of one of her advisors who had betrayed her
Blade of the Wind
2 Handed Sword
6 int, Empathy
2 banes
○ Dragons: +2 atk
○ Air Elementals: Beacon of Hope: allies within 100' gain +2 to saves/morale checks
Special purpose die: d12
○ Slay chaotic dragons/air elementals
3 type 1 powers
○ Detect air elementals within 100'
○ Read any non-magical map at will
○ Detect water within 10'
1 type 2 power
○ Vorpal blade: decapitate on a 20